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Rencontres avec les acteurs

Vous souvenez vous de l'interview du cast à New York à la fin de la série? C'est une des vidéos assez connues dans laquelle les gens se demandent qui va mourir dans le final, on y voit les acteurs de la série discuter et rire ensemble...

bref, dans cette vidéo, on voit une fan poser une question... Son blog a été retrouvé, et il paraitrait que ce n'était pas sa première "rencontre avec les acteurs..." en effet, dans ce blog elle raconte toutes ses nombreuses rencontres avec James, Katie, et le reste de l'équipe !

Rencontre avec Joshua Jackson

Josh was probably the cast member that was most like his character. Josh is just like Pacey! I actually got to meet Josh 2xs in one day lol. First I got up at 9 and me,my mom,Bobby,my sister and Jaime all headed to Orange St. (Dougs apt) where they were filming episode #622 and the day before this nice man gave me the paper saying that. So when i got there other Dawsons creek fans were there as well. We waited from 9 till about 11 just for them to set up. Then my cell phone rang it was the guy from Fincannon and Associates. It turns out i was going to be an extra and work with Josh that night. But i still wanted to meet him seeing as i waited so long already. At about 12 he came out and signed my book and just thanked everyone for waiting. He coundnt take a picture with me because they were rushing him back. About 30 mins later he came out again and took a pic with me and my sister. I told him i came here for my sweet 16 and Jaime told him that i  picked Wilmington over a trip to the Bahamas. He told me i was crazy but he said thank you so much for caring so much. Ugh my heart melted and if you can believe it He is sooo much hotter in person. This was the frist time i met Josh and it was amazing !!!!
Later that night i got picked up in a white van and they brought us to this dentists office and we had to pretend we were patients lol. In between shooting Josh was singing and acting like a goofball. Then when they were done as I was leaving Josh came over and said bye and I said do you remember me and he said of course Kimberly right you changed your clothes but i can never forget a beautiful face. OH MY GOD i wanted to die. Then we just walked off together talking then his cell phone rang and he said ok i have to go bye kimberly it was nice to meet you again and we both started laughing lol Ahhh i love himm!!! Then i heard Josh goes into this pizza place all the time so i made my mom eat pizza like every night lol. I became friends with the waitress and on Sat the day i didnt go in Josh did and she told him I have been looking for him the whole trip and he was like oh yeah Kimberly she is crazy she should have picked the Bahamas. Ahh i was so happy he remembered me after like 4 days! This day made my wholle trip* 

Rencontre avec Michelle Williams

The night before I read in the paper that Michelle Williams was going to be on West 55th street at a women center reading books to senior citizens. After hourss of begging my dad to take off work and come with me we finally were on my way. On the way i stopped and brought Michelle flowers. The book reading didnt start till about 7:30.  We got there at about 4 so i knocked on the door and told the people what a hugge Michelle fan i was and asking if i can just watch i offered to pay for my ticket and sit on the floor but they wouldnt let me. At this point i thought all hope was lost so i just sat acroos the street in hopes of seeing Michelle but like 2 hours passed and nothing. All of a sudden my sister goes Kim Look there she is and Michelle was walking down the block wearing a black trench coat held together by a safty pin and black boots and she was with 2 other guys. Without thinking I ran to stop her before she entered the building ( I ALMOST GOT HIT BY A MAC TRUCK LOL BUT IT WAS WORTH IT) I said Michelle and she turned around and i gave her the flowers and she gave me a hug and i told her what a huge fan i was and how wonderful i think she is. She signed my book and wrote " To kimberly thank you for the pretty flowers Michelle" Then i asked her if i could take a picture with her and she said of course. Aww she was so nice real and so beautiful. i love her !

Rencontres avec Katie Holmes

1ère rencontre

This day was the first time i ever met any of them. I went to TRL because i heard Katie was going to be on. When i got there i waited on the line on the side of the building and actually got a wrist band and got up. I was fine until Katie came out. Then I couldnt help but cry. This was my role model i was gonna get the chance to meet and i couldnt even think straight. When the show went on commerical break Carson told Katie that i was a big fan and that i was crying and she came over and held my hand and said aww honey dont cry and i told her how i love her and what an amazing actress i think she is and she said thank you soo much and  gave me a hug !! Ahh i love that girl! While i was up in the audience my friend Jaime and Jen and my sister went in the back and met her and told her how much i love her and got pictures of her for me. :) 

 2ème rencontre

After the first wonderful experiance with Katie  i knew i had to go back when she was on TRL again. This time she was on for the premiere of Abandon. This time i didnt try to get up on TRL because you cant bring you camera's up so I just waited in the back for Katie. She arrived like a 1/2 hour late so i had to wait till the show ended to meet her. Eve was also on the show and eve and Katie both came out at the same time. The 7 kids that were back there ran to Eve and I ran to Katie. I told her how Iam her biggest fan once again and how she is my inspiration. She was thanking me and signed my book love Katie Holmes. 

3ème rencontre

Ok heres what happened. I went to TRL with the huge sign (You can see it in the picture below) and i was standing outside. Damon came to the window and pointed to me and said i was going to get up to meet katie. I got all excited but then this other girl that was there she was in the army and she ended up going up there to meet katie. I was soo mad cause i thought i was really going to get up. So i went in the back and the security guard told me he remembered me from last time and that I am a pshyco cause I am here everytime she is here and how i def. should have gotten called up lol. and he felt bad for me so he put everyone else behind like this wall and he let me stand in front of it. Katie came out i was the 1st thing she saw. She came right over and we talked about how i met peter hedges and how i went to the screenign of pieces of april and how i thought the movie was great. She was talking to me for like 10 mins. My friend Jaime video taped it on her digital camera so I am going to attach the video on here soon. So Katie signed my book and took a picture with me. She was a sweetheart ! She saw what I was wearing i have on pants that said KATIE HOLMES & a shirt that said I LOVE KATIE and she looked at me and she goes wow nobody ever got dressed up for me before you must be a big fan!! Aww i love this girl..  

4ème rencontre

When I went to Wilmington I also got to watch them film episode # 622. I got to watch them film the scene when they were at Dougs Apt. and Joey was trying to get Pacey off the couch. When i was there Katie didnt come over but i had to leave early to get ready to be an extra later that night. But i got some good pics of her from across the street. Her boyfriend Chris Klein was there too

La dernière : la fan passée à la télé avec Katie 

This was the besttt day ever! I went to TRL on September 23 2004 and i made Katie a scrapbook. A 300 page scrapbook and i wanted to give it to her. So i stood outside TRL and Quddus picked me and i got to go up and give Katie my scrapbook. She was soo nice and i was soo nervous. But she really liked the scrapbook and hey later on i was even nominated for a TRL award for the wackiest fan encounter.    

Rencontre avec James VDBeek 


I love James Van Der Beek ! I think he is a beautiful person both inside and out ! Everytime I met him he was smiling and cheery and just a amazing person. He cares about his career as well as his fans. He is just simply perfect. I have had the honor of meeting James like 4 times and they have been greatt! I met him so much that when I see him he knows me and he calls me "TRL GIRL" ahh I love him   

1ère rencontre 10-11-02 

This day started off great, We got up around 8 and catched the bus. We heard that James would be on TRL for the premiere of the Rules of Attraction. When we got to TRL it was cloudy out. At around 12 it began to down pour. We were standing in front of  TRL at around 2 and the waited for the show to start at 3:30 so i was soaked. My jacket was dripping wet so i had no choice but to take it off because it was weighing me down. So when i took off my jacket i was wearing a little tank top and i got an idea. So Jaime took out the marker and wrote on my shirt "James im ur BIGGEST fan". So we stood outside, not many people were there because of the rain and if they were there it was for Bon Jovi. So i had a sign that said James ill do anything to meet you im your biggest fan. Carson looked out the window and saw my sign. He and james invited me up. When i got up there James was still talking to Carson. Then Carson invited me up to the stage, I told him how i was the biggest DAWSONS CREEK fan. I told him that i think hes amazing and things like that. He thanked me for coming and watching. He gave me a hug and a kiss on my cheek (in front of the camera) Then he saw how wet i was from the rain and told one of the crew members to get me a jacket. I put the jacket on and he was rubbing my shoulders to warm me up. We were talkign and he was telling me why i watch DAWSONS CREEK coz it sucks. We were laughing until the crew worker said he had to leave, He gave me a hug and said thank you for being a fan. This was my best Creek Encounter EVER!. 

2ème rencontre

3-29-03 This day started off kind of boring, all we did in Wilmington was look for a bedroom set from me. It was the same place that the sets of Dawsons Creek were rented from. I got the same matching set that Joey had in the Potter B&B. Anyway, all day there were no creek spottings until this girl i met there a few days ago called my cell and told me that they were filming at Dawsons house. So i met up with her at about 7. So we went to Dawsons house. When we got there, there was about 11 people there. By the time 12 came around, There were only 5 including me, Jaime and my sister. My mom called my cell to ask if i was finished so she could pick me up. So after a few minutes of begging she allowed me to stay. I waited there until 2. When a crew worker we were talking to told us that they were going to be done filming in like an hour. So we waited there for them to finish. At about 3 they started coming to their traliers. First came Katie who was tired so she just changed and left. Then Josh came down waving but when into his trailer and James did the same. I dont know where Katie went after that but Josh drove by in a black truck waving like crazy at us. We saw James come out of his trailer and he was talking to a group of people that worked there and he saw us. We were like 12 feet away from him across the street and we wanted to be noticed because it was so dark out and we were standing under  trees. He kept looking at us and talking to them. But then the bodyguard let him come over and sign things. I asked him if he remembered me and he looked under my visor and said " Your the TRL girl. You look a lot drier than last time". He remembered me from 6 months ago. So after taking a few pics he left. But that made my day. After everyone left I had to wait for my mom to come pick me up. So i went back and waited by Dawsons House. Me and Jaime were talking to this crew memeber when We saw a black dog running around by itself and i knew it was Shumba so the crew guy let me pet him. The dog STINKS! lol  

3ème rencontre

5-08-03I bought tickets to see James in his play RainDance about 2 weeks before the play. I told the woman that i was such a big James fan and she told me if i go May 8th which is the 3rd day it played , i could get front row tickets so i said fine. On May 8th on my way to the play i stopped and bought him flowers. I went into the play and asked if he would come out so i could give him flowers. The guy was a dick and said no. So he said Give me the flowers and he would give them to James. So me and Jaime went into the play and sat down in the front row.  The play went on and at the end he waved to me before he left the stage. Afterwards i waited like 20 mintues in the place to see if he would come out to make sure that the guy gave him the flowers. But he didnt come out. So i went outside and met the old guy and we were talking about who he met and things like that. Then James comes out the other door. Which was unexpected for me. He was wearing a yankees hat. So he looked at my friend Jaime and waved looking for me. He saw me and was like  "Hey". I said to him "Did you get my flowers?" and he said "That was You?, Thank you". He signed myself and took a picture and walked down the street.  

4ème rencontre

This day was probably my luckiest day. The 29th was the last day for Rain Dance. So on the 28th I decided to go and bring James flowers and a gift and tell him how wonderful i think he did. Well nobody wanted to take me there lol so i had to beg my mom and dad. Finally they took me there and at about 9 dropped me off at the signature theatre. They said that would be back around 10 that way i would have time to meet him and talk to him. When i got there James was inside the studio talking to this girl. So i went in there and when he saw me he new it was me and smiled and i told him i knew tomorrow was the last day so i brought him a gift. So he said thank you i shouldnt have. Then he signed our stuff and took pics then he had to leave. Then i went outside at like 9:10 and was waiting for my mom. Right before the goodbye party started for Rain Dance James came out I guess for air or for whatever reason and he saw me standing outside. He came over and was like your here alone? I was like ya im waiting for my mom He was like you shouldnt wait alone and he waited with me for 10 minss aghhh i was going nuts. We talked about Rain Dance and Dawsons creek then my mom can and gave me a hug goodbye !! OMGG I LOVE HIM AGHH   

Rencontre avec Kerr Smith


3-31-03 This day kinda made me look like such a stalker...Ok heres what happend. It was my last day in Wilmington and the only one I hadnt met was Kerr Smith. So I went to Wrightville beach and was walking around and I was wearing my visor that said Sweet 16 I love Dawsons Creek. The guy at one of the stores on Wrightville beach saw my visor and said that the gay one lived right down the block 3 houses on the right. OMGG i went nutss. So I decided to knock on his door. At first he didnt answer being it was soo early. So i went to Airlie Rd to take some pics and then came back. I knocked on his door but it was the bottom door because it was a two family house and this guy answered and said kerr lives upstairs and he is a nice guy so go knock. So i knocked he came out in his pjs with a tooth brush in his mouth with his hair all messed up. At first i couldnt talk but i told him how i came here from Ny for my sweet 16 and how im such a big fan and we talked for about 20 mins. Then he signed my book and I was gonna ask him for a pic but being he was in his pjs i didnt even bother. He was soo nicee Aww i love him 

Traduction à venir...
Ecrit par jenny 
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chrismaz66, 27.05.2024 à 08:08

Hi 2, sondage sur les volets 2 et 3 de Kaamelott, signé Choup37, votez et merci d'avance, même pour faire coucou ^^

sanct08, Hier à 12:51

Hello, dernier jour pour voter au SONDAGE chez STAR TREK ! On vous attend à bord ;=)

langedu74, Hier à 18:55

Bonsoir ! Une bannière The Handmaid's Tale attend vos pouces dans les préférences. Merci

Aloha81, Aujourd'hui à 12:37

Aloha ! Nouvelle PDM et le nouveau calendrier est arrivé sur le quartier Magnum P.I. !

Aloha81, Aujourd'hui à 12:38

Sachez que vous pouvez toujours voter au sondage ! Bon week-end à tous !

Viens chatter !